About MBST.

At Encompass Health we provide a pioneering technology (MBST) which is non-invasive and pain free, tackling the cause and effects of arthritis and countless other musculoskeletal conditions, with long-lasting results.  

Developed by award winning German company Medtec, MBST technology uses MRT (Magnetic Resonance Therapy) technology to stimulate cellular function within damaged and degenerated cartilage, bone, ligament, tendon, and muscle cells to encourage repair and regeneration.  A unique and innovative treatment, it also specialises in reducing pain and swelling and improving mobility, giving long-standing results.

Backed by sound scientific research, no other treatment targets the cause of pain and disfunction in this way. Effective on patients of all ages.

“I wish MBST was around when I was in my 50s.”

– Krys Szokalo

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MBST is used to counteract the negative effects of degenerative disorders of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis. The principal of MBST technology is based on the use of nuclear resonance, electromagnetic fields, originally used for MRI diagnosis.

Unlike MRI, MBST does not use magnetic resonance to generate images, but rather to biophysically stimulate the regenerative processes of specific cells or tissues at a molecular level.

Once the cells of the affected area or injury have been sufficiently stimulated by MBST therapy, the cells will continue to grow and develop by themselves.

​MBST offers a comfortable, uncomplicated, and sustainable therapy, which in numerous cases has delayed or eliminated the need for surgery all together.

For further information on the MBST treatment process, see the MBST treatment page.

“MBST at Encompass has breathed life into my running career! The results have been amazing. Not only can I run without any pain from my knee and hip, but I’ve also been able to increase the frequency of runs and have just completed the London Marathon with not a niggle. I’m not sure how it works, but work it does!”

–  Guy

MBST therapy requires:

  • No surgery
  • No medication
  • No injections
  • No intravenous infusions
  • No painkillers

The most common conditions treated by MBST include:

  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Back pain and disc problems
  • Bruised Bones and Fractures
  • Cartilage Damage
  • Muscle, Ligament and Tendon Damage & Pain
  • Sports and Accident Injuries
  • Nerve Damage after injury/surgery 
  • Accelerated wound healing

Further Information.

The Technical Aspects of MBST Therapy

Innovative Medical Technology

Developed by the German company MedTec, MBST magnetic resonance therapy is the result of scientifically proven knowledge and technological expertise with the power of medical innovation, created to address the degenerative effects of musculoskeletal disorders.

MBST Therapy Sequences

The therapeutic use of magnetic resonance technology is based on interdisciplinary research and development work. MedTec was supported in designing relevant tissue parameters by the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the University of Giessen and the Laboratory for Medical and Molecular Biology at the University of Applied Sciences in Aachen. The acquired data was used to develop therapeutically usable magnetic resonance sequences. Following a successful practical test phase, the first MBST magnetic resonance therapy device came onto the market in 1998 and has been successfully utilised in medical practices, health centres, hospitals and clinics around the world.

MBST as an International Therapy Standard

Characterising technological progress, innovation and quality medical technology, MBST aims to establish magnetic resonance therapy as one of the conservative standard therapies used for treating the causes of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bone metabolism disorders. The efficacy and tolerability of MBST magnetic resonance technology in treating many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and any associated discomfort is confirmed by meaningful data from numerous studies and publications. Globally Recognised Approvals and Certificates MBST is patented, accredited and in compliance with the current 93/42/EEC Directive of the European Union.

Nobel Prize winning science

The 2017 Nobel Prize winning chronobiologists identified the significance of the Circadian Rhythm on health. This is our body’s internal cycle that regulates all our physiological and biological processes. They found cell regeneration, that is the healthy production of new tissue that should constantly happen, is enhanced considerably when the rhythm runs smoothly.  Throughout life, internal and external factors can influence and destabilise the circadian rhythm which can disrupt our body’s cell regenerative ability. This is one of the processes seen in conditions such as Osteoarthritis, the body’s inability to regenerative damaged tissues.

MBST technology has demonstrated an active influence on the circadian rhythm* and is the only treatment that has been shown to directly stimulate the body’s regenerative processes at molecular level. 

​*Nuclear magnetic resonance affects the circadian clock

R Oliva, B Jansen, F Benscheidt… – Biological Rhythm …, 2019 – Taylor & Francis

Scientific Studies & Research Articles

The effectiveness and tolerability of the therapy when applied to many diseases and complaints of the musculoskeletal system (and their associated discomforts and impairments) are confirmed by meaningful data from numerous studies, specialist publications and peer-reviewed journals. Please request information.

Cartilage Regeneration –  Evidence of areas of knee cartilage showing regeneration as seen by MRI before and after treatment https://www.thebodyworksclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/study_patella-thickness_frobose.pdf

Joint Arthritis – Reduced pain and increased function in arthritic patients when treated with MBST https://www.artrosecentrum-nederland.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Functional-Improvement-in-Finger-Joint-Arthrosis-by-Therapeutic-Use-of-Magnetic-Resonance.pdf

Joint Arthritis – 10 year study of 4,500 patients showed lasting improvements in both pain and function with MBST https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23539765/

For a comprehensive list of publications, or to read the full peer-reviewed journals and other published studies, please email team@encompasshealth.uk.

Full List of Conditions Treated by MBST

Pain Reduction

  • Artralgia, dorsalgia, omalgia, sciatica, sacralgia, mialgia, ostealgia


  • Osteochondrosis dissecans
  • Pseudarthrosis
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)
  • Stabilisation of loosened joint endoprostheses
  • In case of incompatibility with bisphosphonates

Muscle and Tendons

  • Insertion tendinopathy
  • Tendinopathy
  • Enthesiopathy
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
  • Epicondylitis radialis (tennis elbow)
  • Impingement syndrome
  • Labrum injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendinosis calcarea (calcific tendonitis) 
  • Patellar tip syndrome
  • Whiplash
  • FAI – Femoroacetabular impingement
  • Partial ruptures

Prevention Use

  • For joint and back pain
  • For muscle, ligament and tendon pain
  • Partial body osteoporosis

Bone Metabolism Disorders

  • Partial body osteoporosis
  • Osteopenia 
  • Oedema
  • Osteonecrosis   

Arthritis and Cartilage Treatments

  • Pre-arthritis
  • Post-traumatic arthritis
  • Polyarthritis
  • Osteochondral lesions
  • Chondromalacia patellae (CMP)
  • Spondylarthropathies
  • Arthritis types: gonarthrosis, omarthrosis, spondylarthrosis,
  • iliosacral arthritis, Heberden’s nodes, Bouchard’s nodes, hallux rigidus, hallux values, rhizarthrosis, radoiocarpal arthritis, and coeliac arthritis.
  • Osteochondrosis intervertebralis 
  • Cartilage repair 

Post-operative Use

  • After arthroscopy
  • After corrective osteotomy
  • After TEP implantation


  • Stabilisation and regeneration of ligaments
  • Ligament stretching
  • Ligament lesions
  • Partial rupture ligaments

Acceleration of Healing Process

  • After bone fractures
  • After chondrocyte transplantation 
  • After endoprosthesis surgery
  • For micro-fractures
  • Regeneration of muscles and tendons


The rates of success are determined by the results of scientific studies, score sheets and feedback from both patients and healthcare professionals using MBST therapy in their practices. A form of therapy can be deemed successful when the patient experiences a definite improvement in their condition in regards to pain, mobility, walking distances and other such factors; when the attending healthcare professional evaluate the healing process or the condition of the patient as successful or notably fast; when improvement can be determined by measurable data (for example bone density measurements or MRI scans). MBST serves as a tool for experienced healthcare professionals. In order to get the best outcome from the therapy, patients must adhere to the instructions given by their healthcare professional at all times. Like any medical procedure or therapy, there is no guarantee that MBST will be 100% successful for everybody. The global success rate is 80%. Claims made on this website are supported by scientific data and studies (including peer-reviewed journals). To read the full peer-reviewed journals and other published studies, please email


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